Sistemas complejos dinámicos- Santa Fe Institute

Sistemas complejos dinámicos- Santa Fe Institute
Alfred Hübler
... Interest Areas. Nonlinear and complex dynamics, control of chaos, pattern
formations, teaching complex systems. Alfred Hübler. External Professor. ...
... Behavioral Dynamics. Interest Areas. Modeling of complex social, economic,
and biological systems using agent-based computational models and ...
... Luís carries research in the structure and dynamics of complex systems, with
an emphasis on dynamical problems in biology and society. ...
... of Wisconsin, Madison, Center for Complex Systems Analysis and ... include
design principles for robust systems, conflict dynamics and control ...
... Behavioral Dynamics... Leonid Hurwicz Collegiate Professor and Director, Center
for the Study of Complex Systems, University of Michigan, Ann ...
... Human Complex Systems & Anthropology; Language and Cultural Evolution; ...
Urban Organization and Dynamics, Population and Economic Growth ...
... He has broad interests in complex systems, and has done research in
dynamical systems theory, time series analysis and theoretical biology. ...
... Behavioral Dynamics; Evolution & Emergence; Information & Computation.
Interest Areas. Complex systems modelling methods; Modelling ...
... He is the co-author of the book, "Adventures in Modeling: Exploring Complex,
Dynamic Systems with StarLogo," and is working on a new book on ...
... map includes clustering, chaotic itinerancy, and collective dynamics. At around
1994, I proposed the study of complex systems biology, which ...

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