General assessment of the macroeconomic situation


. General assessment of the macroeconomic situation

La evolución económica mundial ha empezado a mejorar, pero el repunte sigue siendo frágil. La bajada de los precios de la energía está contribuyendo a reducir la inflación general y a aliviar las tensiones en los presupuestos familiares, la confianza de las empresas y los consumidores está recuperándose de sus bajos niveles, y la plena reapertura de China, antes de lo previsto, ha dado un impulso a la actividad mundial. Al mismo tiempo, la inflación subyacente se muestra persistente, como reflejo del aumento de los beneficios en algunos sectores y de las presiones aún elevadas sobre los costes en unos mercados laborales resistentes. El impacto de la subida de los tipos de interés en todo el mundo también se deja sentir cada vez más, sobre todo en los mercados inmobiliarios y financieros. Han empezado a aparecer signos de tensión en algunos segmentos del mercado financiero a medida que los inversores reevalúan los riesgos, y las condiciones crediticias se están endureciendo. Se prevé que el crecimiento del PIB mundial se modere del 3,3% en 2022 al 2,7% en 2023, antes de subir a un todavía moderado 2,9% en 2024. La política monetaria restrictiva limitará el crecimiento de la demanda durante algún tiempo, y los efectos plenos del endurecimiento de la política en 2022 no aparecerán hasta finales de este año o principios de 2024. Se prevé que la inflación anual de los precios al consumo en las economías del G20 disminuya del 7,8% en 2022 al 6,1% en 2023 y al 4,7% en 2024, favorecida por la bajada de los precios al por menor de la energía y los alimentos, la moderación de las presiones de la demanda y la reducción de los estrangulamientos de la oferta. Se prevé que la inflación subyacente se mantenga relativamente estable, pero que disminuya gradualmente hacia el objetivo en las principales economías avanzadas a finales del próximo año.

Significant uncertainty about economic prospects remains, and the major risks to the projections are on the downside. One key concern is that inflation could continue to be more persistent than expected. Significant additional monetary policy tightening may then be required to lower inflation, raising the likelihood of abrupt asset repricing and risk reassessments in financial markets. A related concern is that the strength of the impact from the monetary policy tightening that has already occurred is difficult to gauge after an extended period of very accommodative policy and the speed at which policy interest rates have subsequently been raised. While a cooling of overheated markets and moderation of credit growth are standard channels through which monetary policy normally takes effect, the impact on economic growth could be stronger than expected if tighter financial conditions were to trigger stress in the financial system and undermine financial stability. Sharp changes in the market value of bond portfolios may further expose liquidity and duration risks. Rising household and corporate debt-service burdens and the greater potential for loan defaults also raise credit risks at banks and non-bank financial institutions, and could result in a further tightening of lending standards. Tighter than expected global financial conditions could also intensify vulnerabilities in emerging-market economies, adding to debt servicing costs and capital outflows, and reducing credit availability for borrowers relying on foreign lenders. Another key downside risk to the outlook relates to the uncertain course of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine and the associated risks of renewed disruptions in global energy and food markets. On the upside, reduced uncertainty from an early end to the war, easier-than-expected financial conditions, more robust labour force growth, and greater use of accumulated savings by households and businesses would all improve growth and investment prospects. However, the impact of these individual shocks on inflation could vary.

The need to durably lower inflation, adjust fiscal policy support and revive sustainable growth creates difficult challenges for policymakers.

  • Monetary policy needs to remain restrictive until there are clear signs that underlying inflationary pressures are durably reduced. This may require additional interest rate increases in economies in which high core inflation is proving persistent. Policy decisions will need to be carefully calibrated given uncertainty about financial market developments and the need to take stock of the cumulated impact of past interest rate increases. If additional financial market stress occurs, central banks should make full use of the set of financial policy instruments available to enhance liquidity and minimise contagion risks. Clear communication will be necessary to minimise uncertainty about apparent conflicts between the pursuit of price stability and financial stability mandates. Policy space in most emerging-market economies is constrained by the need to keep inflation expectations anchored and tight global financial conditions. In the event of exchange rate pressures, countries should let their currencies adjust as much as possible to reflect underlying economic fundamentals. However, temporary foreign exchange interventions or restrictions on capital movements could be employed to mitigate sudden moves that generate severe risks to domestic financial stability.

  • Ensuring the sustainability of the public finances has become more challenging due to the multiple impacts of the pandemic, the war and energy shocks. Almost all countries have higher budget deficits and debt levels than before the pandemic, and many face rising future spending pressures from ageing populations, the climate transition and the growing burden of servicing public debt given higher interest rates. Careful choices are needed to preserve scarce budget resources for future policy priorities and to ensure debt sustainability. Credible fiscal frameworks setting out future expenditure and tax plans are needed to provide clear guidance about the medium-term trajectory of the public finances. In the near term, with food and energy prices having declined, and minimum wages and welfare benefits having now been permanently increased to take account of past inflation in many countries, fiscal support to mitigate the impact of higher food and energy prices should become targeted on vulnerable households inadequately covered by the general social protection system. This would preserve incentives to reduce energy use, help to limit aggregate demand pressures on inflation, and better align fiscal and monetary policies.

  • La coyuntura, el descenso a largo plazo de las tasas de crecimiento potencial y los acuciantes retos futuros, como el envejecimiento de la población y la transición climática, apuntan a una clara necesidad de reformas estructurales ambiciosas que impulsen la oferta. Reactivar los esfuerzos de reforma para reducir las restricciones en los mercados de trabajo y de productos, y reforzar la inversión, la participación de la mano de obra y el crecimiento de la productividad mejoraría los niveles de vida sostenibles y reforzaría la recuperación de la actual ralentización. Aumentar el dinamismo de las empresas, reducir los obstáculos al comercio transfronterizo y a la migración económica, y fomentar unos mercados laborales flexibles e integradores, entre otras cosas mediante la mejora de las cualificaciones y la eliminación de los obstáculos que aún dificultan la participación de la mano de obra, son ámbitos políticos clave en los que unas reformas bien diseñadas contribuirían a impulsar la competencia, reactivar la inversión y aliviar las restricciones de la oferta.

  • Gender employment and wage gaps have generally narrowed at a relatively modest pace over the past decade, calling for further action across a broad range of policy areas to strengthen participation, skills and opportunities for women. Such action would improve growth prospects, make them more inclusive and ensure that all talent is utilised effectively. Key priorities include improving access to affordable high-quality childcare, incentivising better sharing of parental leave between parents, reforming tax-benefit systems to remove disincentives for women to participate in labour markets, and encouraging gender equality within firms.

The series of shocks to the global economy in recent years and longer-term global challenges such as climate change underline the need for enhanced international cooperation. At the same time, geopolitical tensions have increasingly hindered cross-border flows of goods, services, capital and labour, and contributed to food insecurity for many countries. The rise in debt distress among low-income countries makes it particularly urgent that creditor countries and institutions take joint action – building on the initial steps taken under the G20 Common Framework – to ensure that debt burdens are sustainable, and avoid the risk of a lost decade of development for many low-income countries. More generally, in an interconnected world, countries have to find ways to ensure that frictions in some areas do not prevent progress being made on issues of common interest, including climate change mitigation, open markets, economic security, and responding to pandemics.

El crecimiento mundial se desaceleró sustancialmente a lo largo de 2022, tanto en las economías avanzadas como en las emergentes (gráfico 1.1, panel A). El fuerte repunte de los precios de los alimentos, los fertilizantes y la energía tras la invasión rusa de Ucrania se sumó a los ya considerables aumentos de 2021, elevando considerablemente la inflación general en casi todos los países y generando descensos de la renta real disponible de los hogares. La relación entre los gastos agregados en energía de uso final de la OCDE y el PIB aumentó bruscamente en 2022, alcanzando el nivel más alto desde principios de la década de 1980, aumentando los costes para las empresas y erosionando el poder adquisitivo de los hogares (OCDE, 2022b). El endurecimiento significativo de la política monetaria por parte de casi todos los principales bancos centrales hizo subir los tipos de interés oficiales y empezó a pesar sobre los componentes del gasto sensibles a los intereses. La ralentización en las economías de la OCDE estuvo liderada por la inversión en vivienda, que se contrajo durante 2022, pero el crecimiento del gasto de los consumidores y de la inversión empresarial también disminuyó a lo largo del año. En el cuarto trimestre de 2022, el crecimiento mundial se había ralentizado hasta una tasa anualizada de tan solo el 2%, y el crecimiento a lo largo del año cayó hasta el 2¼%, algo más de la mitad del ritmo observado durante 2021. La producción disminuyó en 15 economías de la OCDE en el cuarto trimestre, la mayoría de ellas en Europa. Los resultados también fueron relativamente débiles en las economías de Asia-Pacífico, con una actividad en China que sigue frenada por una oleada de infecciones por COVID-19 y restricciones de salud pública. El PIB de China creció sólo un 3% en 2022, menos que en cualquier año de las últimas cuatro décadas, con la excepción de 2020, que se vio aún más gravemente afectado por la pandemia.

Economic indicators in the first months of 2023 have improved, with global GDP growth picking up to an annualised rate of just over 3% in the first quarter, despite mixed outcomes across countries. Growth rebounded in Brazil, China, India and Japan, but slowed in the United States, and there was only a modest output rise in the euro area and the United Kingdom. Business surveys have improved markedly relative to late 2022, particularly in the services sector (Figure 1.1, Panel B) and consumer confidence indicators in major economies have also begun to recover from the very low levels seen last year.

The improvement in the early part of this year is driven to some extent by declines in energy prices and better prospects for China. Energy commodity prices have fallen sharply since last summer, with a particularly marked decline in the price of natural gas, above all in Europe (Figure 1.2). However, this has yet to be fully reflected in lower retail prices in many countries. The spot prices of oil and coal have also come down a long way from the peaks reached after the invasion of Ukraine last year, easing pressures on households and companies. Even so, prices generally remain higher than seen prior to the pandemic. China’s earlier-than-expected reversal of its zero-COVID policy in December 2022, combined with a loosening of both fiscal and monetary policy, has also boosted business sentiment, as stronger growth of the Chinese economy will have positive benefits in the Asia-Pacific region and more widely.

Recent monthly activity indicators have been mixed. The manufacturing sector is still weak (Figure 1.1, Panel C), notably in several Asian economies, in part due to subdued tech sector activity. In most economies, the improvement in early 2023 has been more apparent in services sectors, helped by a rebound in consumer demand in China and solid growth in the United States (Figure 1.1, Panel D). However, demand for durable goods remains soft, in part reflecting the greater sensitivity of such spending to financial conditions.

The impact of tighter monetary policy is becoming increasingly visible in property markets. Housing investment declined in all the large OECD economies in the second half of 2022. In the fourth quarter of 2022, housing investment in the OECD economies with available data was 7½ per cent weaker than a year earlier, with the decline approaching 19% in the United States and exceeding 13% in Canada (Figure 1.3, Panel A). Housing investment continued to contract in the United States and Canada in the first quarter of 2023. House prices have also begun to adjust to policy tightening, with nominal price declines now underway in many economies (Figure 1.3, Panel B), and even larger real price declines given high consumer price inflation. Price adjustments have been relatively quick in countries with elevated price-rent ratios, high household debt, and a sizeable share of adjustable-rate mortgages. Price changes have been less marked in countries with strong population growth and a large share of mortgages at fixed borrowing rates (OECD, 2022b). Even so, many mortgages have rates that float or are fixed for only a few years, and mortgage-holders will increasingly be faced with rising payments if mortgage rates remain at their new higher levels. Past experience has shown that swings in real house prices are often associated with business cycle fluctuations (Hermansen and Röhn, 2017; Cavalleri et al., 2019; Figure 1.4, Panel C), both because of the substantial drag on economic activity from lower investment and pressures on household finances and balance sheets, and because of associated strains in the financial sector.

El crecimiento del comercio mundial fue relativamente sólido en 2022, un 5%, a pesar de la guerra en Ucrania, las elevadas tensiones geopolíticas y los precios de las materias primas, y la apreciación generalizada del dólar. El comercio se vio respaldado por la disminución gradual de los cuellos de botella de la oferta, la continua recuperación de la demanda de servicios de viajes por parte de los consumidores y el levantamiento gradual de las restricciones de viaje relacionadas con el COVID, especialmente en Asia. A pesar del crecimiento anual relativamente fuerte, el comercio de bienes y servicios se tambaleó en el cuarto trimestre de 2022, con un descenso trimestral anualizado del 7% en los volúmenes comerciales. El endurecimiento de la política monetaria, la ralentización de la producción industrial, los elevados niveles de existencias y la desaceleración del ciclo de los semiconductores redujeron la demanda. Además, una nueva oleada de infecciones por COVID-19 en China restringió el comercio dentro de Asia. Los volúmenes del comercio mundial se recuperaron parcialmente en el primer trimestre de 2023, con un aumento estimado del 1,8% (a tasa anualizada), pero el comercio mundial de mercancías siguió siendo muy débil. Los precios del transporte y los volúmenes de envío son débiles y las encuestas sobre nuevos pedidos de exportación de manufacturas se mantienen en general en niveles bajos, aunque los pedidos de exportación de servicios siguen mejorando (Figura 1.4). Ahora que los cuellos de botella de la oferta mundial se han atenuado en gran medida y China se ha reabierto, la moderada demanda de productos manufacturados y materias primas, que representan casi el 80% de los volúmenes comerciales totales, pesará sobre el crecimiento del comercio mundial.

Despite war-related trade restrictions and the potential risk to the supply of key agricultural products from Ukraine, global food exports have held up relatively well. Exports of wheat, maize and barley from Ukraine fell by 9.1% in 2022, to 41.3 million tonnes, but the Black Sea Grain Initiative has facilitated over 16 million tonnes of approved food shipments from Ukraine in 2022 and more than 15 million tonnes in the first five months of 2023. Accelerating the food transported through this initiative, by supporting inspection and trade insurance, would increase Ukraine’s exports to its traditional markets in the Middle East and Africa and enhance food security in these countries.1

The impact of monetary policy tightening is increasingly being reflected in financial market developments, particularly credit conditions and the prices of long-term fixed-income assets. Significant stress has also appeared in parts of the banking system, heightening market volatility, though this has not led to a substantial generalised further tightening of financial conditions.

The failure of some regional US banks in recent months and the forced takeover of Credit Suisse, a global systemically-important bank, quickly generated tensions in global banking markets. Bank equity indexes fell sharply, and banks’ credit default swap (CDS) spreads soared by some 60 to 80 basis points in the United States and the euro area. While noticeable, the increase was significantly lower than at the peak of the global financial crisis in 2008. Timely policy measures to deal with the failing institutions and address banks’ liquidity pressures have helped to stabilise financial conditions (Figure 1.5), but significant liquidity, duration and credit risks remain in segments of financial markets.

The rising cost of funding for banks (Figure 1.8, Panel A) and the need to further strengthen capital and liquidity buffers are likely to result in more restrictive credit conditions. Bank lending standards have already tightened substantially in most major advanced economies, particularly in the United States and in the euro area (Figure 1.8, Panel B), although not in Japan, where monetary policy remains accommodative. In the United States, lending standards have tightened at a faster pace than in previous tightening cycles, but have not yet reached the peaks seen at the height of the global financial crisis. Changes in policy interest rates in other countries have been quickly transmitted to deposit rates and banks have passed through the high cost of funding to lending rates, leading to a slowdown of credit growth in many economies (Box 1.1). New loans for house purchases have been falling sharply in several OECD countries, including the largest European economies.

Wider market conditions have been volatile, but the prices of risky assets have regained momentum in recent months. Rapid changes in market expectations about the future path of monetary policy have generated continued volatility in government bond markets (Figure 1.9, Panel A), surpassing the peak observed at the height of the pandemic. Foreign exchange market volatility has declined from its March 2023 peak, but remains elevated (Figure 1.9, Panel B). Aggregate equity price indices have risen in most countries since late 2022, and bank equity prices have recovered in most advanced economies from low levels in March. Ten-year government bond rates have edged down in the United States but have risen in the euro area and in the United Kingdom (Figure 1.10), and term spreads in sovereign bond markets have generally widened. Real long-term rates on government bonds remain lower than typically observed prior to the global financial crisis. Sovereign spreads also remain contained across the euro area, helped by the availability of the ECB’s Transmission Protection Instrument and flexibility across countries in Eurosystem bond reinvestments. However, corporate bond spreads have widened, especially on corporate bonds in the advanced economies that are below investment grade.

The US dollar has depreciated against most advanced and emerging-market currencies since November 2022 (Figure 1.10, Panel C), helped by narrowing policy interest differentials between the United States and other countries and market views that US policy rates might be close to a peak. This has helped to limit signs of financial stress in emerging-market economies. Equity price indices have risen a little in China, reflecting the reopening of the economy, but fallen in some energy exporters amid lower commodity prices (Figure 1.10, Panel A). Yields on local-currency government bonds have generally declined in major emerging-market economies (Figure 1.10, Panel B), but spreads over US government bonds remain elevated in countries characterised by high inflation or risk premia. Foreign-currency government bond spreads over US government bonds have also declined in most emerging-market economies, suggesting sovereign credit risk so far remains contained. Investment-grade corporate bond yields in emerging-market economies are still below their peak in 2022, but above their average for that year.

Headline inflation has fallen in most economies in recent months due to the downturn in energy prices, even though food product and services prices have continued to rise rapidly. However, core inflation – excluding food and energy – remains stubbornly high in many countries (Figure 1.11). Core inflation is dominated by services, and services price inflation tends to be less variable than goods price inflation and more dependent on labour costs. Some services prices are also adjusted infrequently. For example, the rental component of consumer prices (including the imputed rents of owner-occupiers in some countries) generally lags the movements in market rents (new rentals), as prices for existing rents are only changed gradually, often once a year.2 Rising services price inflation also reflects the ongoing normalisation of demand patterns after the sharp shifts seen in the first year of the pandemic. Demand for services has rebounded, converging towards the pre-pandemic path in many countries, while the earlier surge in goods demand, particularly for durable goods, has ebbed.

The upsurge in inflation in 2021-22 has led to declines in real wages and, in many countries, household disposable incomes (Figure 1.15, Panel A). However, continued employment growth and fiscal policy support have helped to limit the overall drop in household disposable incomes in some countries, especially in Europe.3 The weakness of household incomes, and the associated pressures on household purchasing power, have prompted concerns that the high rates of inflation seen in the past year have been due in part to firms raising their profits rather than simply passing on higher input costs. A decomposition of the factors contributing to the rate of growth of the GDP deflator – an indicator of domestically-generated price pressures – suggests that increases in both unit profits and unit labour costs help to account for the upturn in inflation, albeit to a different extent across countries (Box 1.2). A significant part of the unit profits contribution has stemmed from profits in the energy and agriculture sectors, well above their share of the overall economy, but there have also been increases in profit contributions in manufacturing and services.

Despite the slowdown in output growth, labour markets generally remain tight across most OECD economies, with OECD-wide employment and labour participation rates reaching historic highs in the fourth quarter of 2022 and the OECD unemployment rate remaining at a low of 4.8% in March this year. Labour supply shortages, which point to a need for additional well-targeted reforms in some countries, and real wage declines have generated a pick-up in nominal wage agreements, though the pace has remained relatively moderate. Some signs of easing labour market pressures are now emerging in many advanced economies. The number of vacancies has started to decline from elevated levels, layoff rates are increasing, employment of temporary help services has declined, and nominal wage increases have generally levelled off and in some countries even begun to decline (Figure 1.15, Panel B).

Despite the signs of improvement seen in the early months of this year, the outlook is for a period of subdued growth and persisting inflation amidst acute risks. The full effects on output from the quick and synchronised tightening of monetary policy since the start of 2022 are likely to appear over the course of 2023 and early 2024, particularly on private investment. Central banks, faced with persistent above-target inflation, are expected to keep interest rates high, and most countries are set to adopt a tighter fiscal stance to start alleviating debt burdens worsened by the pandemic. However, stronger public investment, supported by NGEU grants, could provide some support to activity in many European countries. Household incomes remain under pressure, with lower energy and food commodity prices yet to be fully reflected in retail prices, although use of additional savings accumulated during the pandemic could help to cushion demand. The disruption from the war in Ukraine is also likely to continue to weigh on the global economy.

Global GDP growth in 2023 is projected to be 2.7% (Figure 1.16, Panel A), the lowest annual rate since the global financial crisis, with the exception of the pandemic-hit year of 2020. A modest improvement to 2.9% is foreseen for 2024, but this would still be a relatively poor outcome by historical standards. The slowdown in annual growth from 2022 masks a gradual improvement in the year-on-year growth of global activity over the course of 2023. This improvement partly reflects the fall in energy prices, but mainly stems from the emerging-market economies and the positive impetus provided by the rebound in China after fully reopening its economy. In addition, a disproportionate share of global growth in 2023-24 is expected to continue to come from Asia (Figure 1.16, Panel B). If the economic impact of China’s reopening is less than expected, a main pillar of global growth this year and next would be weakened.

Annual OECD GDP growth is projected to be below trend at 1.4% in both 2023 and 2024, although it will gradually pick up on a quarterly basis through 2024 as inflation moderates and real income growth strengthens. Business investment is projected to be nearly stagnant in the OECD area in 2023, and housing investment is projected to decline in many economies. Overall GDP growth is sustained by steady increases in private consumption and government final expenditure, the former being supported by continued, albeit modest declines in saving ratios on average across the OECD this year. Real wages, which fell in all major OECD economies in 2022, are projected to stop declining over the course of 2023 in most, and OECD-wide employment is projected to keep expanding in 2023-24, underpinning incomes. Any negative shocks to household sentiment or wealth, or a less benign evolution of the labour market, would yield weaker growth in consumption and output.

The prospects for individual major economies and regions are as follows.

  • In North America, the sharp rise in interest rates since late 2021 has been reflected in a slowdown in final domestic demand growth in both the United States and Canada. Housing investment has declined sharply, and business investment is showing signs of weakness. Lower saving rates and robust increases in employment are helping to maintain private consumption growth, but this is set to fade. Annual GDP growth in the United States is projected to be 1.6% this year, helped by strong carryover effects from late 2022, and 1.0% in 2024. Annual growth in Canada is projected to be 1.4% in both 2023 and 2024, supported by strong population growth and a resilient labour market. In both economies, the average annual growth numbers obscure a projected improvement in quarterly growth rates through the course of next year, helped by the moderation of inflation towards 2% by the end of 2024.

  • Although inflation has increased in the major advanced Asian economies, it remains relatively mild. The reopening of China should also provide a boost to demand in the wider region. In Japan, monetary policy remains accommodative, and fiscal policy is set to be largely neutral this year before becoming less supportive in 2024. Policy support, together with signs of stronger wage growth, is projected to help GDP growth pick up to an above-trend pace of 1.3% in 2023 and 1.1% in 2024 and bring underlying inflation up towards 2% by the latter half of 2024. In contrast, macroeconomic policy is already tightening in Korea, and domestic demand growth is expected to remain relatively subdued amidst high debt service burdens. GDP growth is projected to be 1.5% in 2023 and 2.1% in 2024, with exports set to pick up with China’s recovery and an upturn in the tech cycle.

  • Las principales economías europeas se han visto fuertemente afectadas por la guerra en Ucrania, a través de los elevados precios de la energía y el aumento de la incertidumbre. Las políticas macroeconómicas se están volviendo menos favorables, con tipos de interés oficiales más altos y una consolidación fiscal en curso. En la zona del euro, se prevé que el crecimiento del PIB sea del 0,9% en 2023. La rigidez de los mercados laborales, junto con nuevos descensos de las tasas de ahorro de los hogares, deberían respaldar el consumo privado, pero el aumento de los costes de financiación y el endurecimiento de las normas crediticias pesarán sobre la inversión, a pesar del impulso del mayor gasto en el marco del programa NGEU. Se espera que el crecimiento del PIB aumente hasta el 1,5% en 2024, favorecido por el aumento de los ingresos reales a medida que disminuye la inflación. La inflación general de la zona del euro caerá con bastante rapidez a medida que la inflación de los alimentos y la energía se vuelva negativa en términos interanuales, pero se prevé que la inflación subyacente se mantenga estable, próxima al 3% interanual en el último trimestre de 2024. Se prevé que la elevada dispersión actual de la inflación entre los países de la zona del euro se modere sólo gradualmente. El patrón de crecimiento e inflación durante 2023-24 es muy similar para el Reino Unido, pero la política fiscal es más restrictiva en ambos años y se espera que el crecimiento de las exportaciones siga siendo muy débil. Se prevé que el crecimiento del PIB sea del 0,3% en 2023 y aumente hasta el 1% en 2024, a medida que empiece a mejorar el crecimiento de la renta real. Se prevé que la inflación general y la subyacente anuales disminuyan, pero sigan estando ligeramente por encima del objetivo a finales de 2024.
  • China is expected to see the sharpest positive shift in growth between 2022 and 2023 of any G20 economy, largely on account of the lifting of the government’s zero-COVID policy. GDP growth is projected to rise to 5.4% in 2023, and then ease to 5.1% in 2024 as the rebound associated with reopening fades. The shift in the anti-COVID policy has released pent-up demand for in-person services, lifted consumer confidence and alleviated the downturn in the property sector. China is unusual in having experienced little inflationary pressure during 2022, and consumer price inflation is projected to remain benign.

  • Over the past year, GDP growth has remained relatively strong, and close to potential, in India and Indonesia, but monetary policy has been tightened to lower inflation and fiscal policy is becoming less supportive. GDP growth in India is projected to ease to 6% in FY 2023-24, as tighter financial conditions hold back domestic demand, before picking up to 7% in FY 2024-25, helped by lower inflation and stronger external demand. Indonesia’s average annual growth is projected to remain close to 5% over 2023-24, underpinned by solid business and consumer confidence, and stronger international tourism from China.

  • After a strong rebound last year, growth will slow sharply in most Latin American economies in 2023, reflecting generally tight macroeconomic policies to tackle persistently high inflation, soft growth in export markets and lower prices for key export commodities. Output growth is projected to pick up in 2024 as inflation subsides, monetary policy becomes less restrictive and external demand strengthens. After the large boost from agricultural output in the first quarter of 2023, GDP growth in Brazil is projected to moderate, with annual growth of 1.7% in 2023 and 1.2% in 2024, as high real interest rates and weak credit growth hold back domestic demand, despite stronger social transfers.

Global trade growth is projected to slow alongside GDP growth in 2023 to 1.6%, in part due to carryover effects from the weakness in late 2022, before recovering to 3.8% in 2024. Lower commodity prices and the full reopening of China should help to support trade growth over next eighteen months, including in Europe (Figure 1.17, Panel A), although base effects will keep annual growth very low in 2023. The lagged effects of tight monetary policy will continue to be felt into 2024, particularly in the United States. The trade intensity of growth is set to decline in 2023, before recovering in 2024, as rising trade in OECD countries offsets the continued weakness in Chinese trade intensity (Figure 1.17, Panel B). Growth in the trade of services is expected to outperform goods, with the re-opening of the Chinese economy providing a substantial boost to international travel particularly in 2024.

The recovery in trade could be weaker if growth disappoints or possible second-round impacts from trade-related sanctions on Russia limit the pace of the trade rebound. However, if domestic demand picks up faster than expected, trade could recover faster, as supply chain pressures in manufacturing and shipping have mostly abated and estimates of spare capacity are high across most manufacturers. A faster-than-projected normalisation in China’s tourism market could also result in higher trade growth. Services import volumes in China in 2022 were still 26% lower than 2019 levels. International tourism estimates are still 20% below 2019 peaks, suggesting room for a full recovery if growth should surprise to the upside in 2023. If global travel services grew sufficiently to return to their share of global trade in 2019 (5.7%), it would boost the value of total trade by just over 1½ per cent in 2023.

A key question for the outlook is the extent to which the slowdown in output growth will push up unemployment rates. So far, despite many advanced economies having already had at least one quarter of negative GDP growth, unemployment has remained low and even continued to fall in some countries. Instead, two margins of adjustment to a weaker demand environment have been the number of job vacancies, which is now declining in many OECD economies, and hours worked, which have begun to move down in some countries. With the projected slowdown in demand growth expected to be relatively mild, unemployment is projected to rise only marginally during 2023-24, especially in the euro area. The OECD-wide unemployment rate is expected to increase from 4.9% at the end of 2022 to 5.2% in the fourth quarter of 2024, though with relatively large rises of around ¾ percentage point or more in Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States. With labour markets generally expected to remain tight, and with workers having experienced falls in real wages in 2022, nominal wage growth is projected to be just over 4% in the overall OECD area in 2023, before moderating to around 3½ per cent in 2024.

Helped by the decline in energy prices over the past few months, average annual headline inflation in the OECD as a whole is now projected to fall relatively quickly from 9.4% in 2022 to 6.6% in 2023 and 4.3% in 2024, with year-on-year inflation in the last quarter of 2024 down to 3.8% (Figure 1.18).4 In the major advanced economies, annual inflation is projected to be closer to target, at just over 2¼ per cent by the fourth quarter of 2024. The projected fall in OECD core inflation is shallower, reflecting the stickiness of many prices and a slow adjustment of margins and cost pressures. Core inflation is projected to ease from 6.6% in 2022 to 6.5% in 2023 and 4.5% in 2024 on an annual average basis.

Over the past eighteen months or so, underlying inflation has consistently proved to be higher than projected. The large shocks that have affected the global economy and the range of factors contributing to higher inflation, both on the demand and the supply side, have made it difficult to assess the speed at which inflation pressures may recede. Relatedly, after an extended period of low interest rates, there is considerable uncertainty concerning the impact of the monetary tightening that has already occurred. If the rise in interest rates has smaller-than-expected and/or delayed effects, or cost pressures moderate less rapidly than expected, or firms try to raise price-cost markups, inflation will be higher than projected. In such circumstances, monetary policy will have to be tightened further and perhaps kept restrictive for longer, with negative implications for growth and employment and greater risks for financial stability.

The extended period of high inflation has already resulted in a rising share of items in consumer price baskets that have had annual price rises of more than 5% for at least 12 months. This share has gone from near zero at the beginning of 2021 to around a quarter on average by April 2023, and to a third or more in Germany and the United Kingdom (Figure 1.19). Delays in getting inflation down would be likely to raise these shares further, intensifying the challenges of lowering inflation, increasing the risks of market and private sector inflation expectations settling at levels well above inflation objectives, and possibly also prompting a drift towards greater indexation of contracts and financial assets. In these cases, inflation would likely prove more persistent than projected.

Other factors might also contribute to inflation persistence. Notably, an aggravation or spreading of the conflict in Ukraine could yet give new upward impetus to energy and food prices. Likewise, a stronger-than-expected rebound of the global economy this year could push up a range of commodity prices and hinder the downward move in inflation. Again, policy rates would be likely to be kept higher for longer than projected, with a higher probability of a widespread and harmful economic slowdown and enhanced risks of financial stress.

Tighter financial conditions are to be expected as monetary policy becomes more restrictive, and are a standard channel through which policy affects output and inflation. Nonetheless, there are risks that an abrupt tightening of financing conditions could trigger widespread financial stress and undermine stability as investors rapidly reassess exposures to liquidity, duration and credit risks. Key concerns are that renewed fragilities could appear in the banking sector, resulting in a broader loss of confidence and a sharp contraction of credit, and a heightening of risks from liquidity mismatch and leverage in non-bank financial institutions (NBFIs).

Collectively, the banking system appears more resilient than before the global financial crisis, with post-crisis regulatory reforms strengthening capital and liquidity positions, and the largest banks being subject to more stringent stress tests. Large systemically important banks in advanced economies appear to be liquid and adequately capitalised, although market confidence remains fragile, as shown by the speed at which banking sector pressures spread across countries following bank failures in the United States in March. Moreover, capital ratios stand above regulatory minima, non-performing loans (NPLs) remain low, and recent stress tests suggest that large banks are generally well positioned to cope with fast rising interest rates and a flattening of yield curves (IMF, 2022a; ECB, 2022).

Nonetheless, recent episodes in the United States and Europe suggest that in an environment of fast-rising interest rates, banks can be exposed to severe duration and liquidity risks if large deposit outflows occur. Deposit growth has slowed in the large advanced economies since early 2021 and in many has recently become negative (Figure 1.20). With bond yields rising fast, savers can get higher returns by moving deposits away from banks and towards money market funds (MMFs), as seen in past episodes of policy tightening (Paul, 2022).

Duration risks can arise if the value of fixed-income securities falls as a result of higher interest rates. While losses may only be realised over time, they can materialise rapidly if banks have to sell bonds to meet unexpected deposit outflows. In addition, liquidity risks can become manifest for banks with low liquid assets and large short-term liabilities. While liquidity mismatches vary widely across countries, banks in Mexico and the United States tend to have comparatively high ratios of short-term liabilities to liquid assets and therefore might be more vulnerable to liquidity risks triggered by large deposit outflows (Figure 1.21, Panel A). Banks in Mexico, the United States and some European countries could also be potentially vulnerable to duration risks, given their comparatively high, albeit often declining, share of government bonds in total assets (Figure 1.21, Panel B). The prospect of large losses by banks and poor liquidity conditions can lead to a sharp repricing of bank risk and higher bank funding costs, pushing banks to tighten lending conditions to households and companies.

Banks could also face pressures from rising credit losses if firms and households struggle to repay their debts, which in turn would significantly reduce the supply of new credit available for households and companies. In a number of countries, private sector debt-service ratios in 2022 were already above those in the early 2000s, when interest rates last rose sharply (OECD, 2022b). The share of borrowers unable to service debt payments could increase as rising policy rates are passed through to lending conditions, particularly in countries in which private debt levels are elevated and in which a sizeable share of debt is at variable interest rates.

A sharp correction in house prices or commercial real estate (CRE) prices could also exacerbate household and corporate solvency risks, leading to large potential losses for banks. CRE transaction activity has declined globally (IMF, 2023), and CRE prices have started to decline in the major advanced economies. By the fourth quarter of 2022, CRE prices were 1.8% and 2.9% below their most recent peaks in the United States and the euro area respectively, and monthly indicators based on Real Estate Investment Fund valuations point to further sharp declines in values this year. In the event of severe stress in property markets, banks could be forced to realise losses on loan portfolios if there were fire sales or foreclosures on a large scale, reducing the value of available collateral. A sharp repricing of CRE could weigh heavily on US regional bank balance sheets, as they account for a sizeable share of lending to the sector (FDIC, 2022). In addition, there have already been some signs of asset quality deterioration, amid rising bankruptcies and delinquency rates for mortgage loans in several countries (FOMC, 2023; Eurostat, 2023; Sverige Riksbank, 2022), which may require higher loss provisions and force banks to take steps to replenish their capital positions.

There are also broader indications that corporate bankruptcies have begun to increase in many countries, including in Europe, after a long period when they were at unusually low levels helped by pandemic-related support from governments. While a higher level of business failures is not surprising given the higher energy costs and debt servicing costs that firms face, a sharp acceleration could also place an additional source of stress on the balance sheets of lenders, including NBFIs.

Non-bank financial institutions now account for around 50% of global financial assets (FSB, 2022a), a significantly larger share than before the global financial crisis. Credit to firms by NBFIs in 2022 accounted for 20% of total outstanding loans to non-financial corporations in the euro area and 50% in the United Kingdom (ESRB, 2022; IMF, 2022a). NBFIs’ provision of credit to households has also risen. For example, in 2021 more than 70% of mortgages were originated by NBFIs in the United States (Federal Reserve, 2022), NBFIs are particularly exposed to risks from liquidity mismatch and the use of derivatives and other forms of leverage to fund investments in illiquid assets (Bank for International Settlements, 2021). These institutions could come under stress in an environment of rising interest rates and declining asset prices if they are forced to realise large mark-to-market losses on their assets to try and meet sizeable margin calls on leveraged trades (due to the decline in collateral values). Such a scenario would be likely to further destabilise asset markets in the absence of prompt policy action. In addition, if NBFIs are forced to sell assets to accommodate outflows, a negative spiral could kick in, amplifying adverse market dynamics and generating a further tightening of financing conditions for non-financial corporations.

In many OECD countries, holdings of debt securities by MMFs and insurance companies stand at above 50% of total assets (Figure 1.22). Pension funds and financial companies engaged in securitisation could also be vulnerable given their use of leverage (ESRB, 2022). Further efforts are also needed to enhance the resilience of MMFs. Such funds could be vulnerable to large redemption calls and may face challenges in selling assets under stressed conditions (FSB, 2022b; Federal Reserve, 2023). Real estate investment funds could also incur severe losses if housing prices undergo sharp corrections (Daly et al., 2023).5

Illustrative scenarios, using the NiGEM global macroeconomic model, highlight the potential implications for growth if financial stress were to result in the cost of finance for households and firms rising by more than expected in the advanced economies. The scenarios consider three particular financial shocks, a rise of 1 percentage point in the wedge between household borrowing and lending rates, a rise of 1 percentage point in the user cost of capital due to higher funding costs, and a rise of 50 basis points in equity risk premia. These shocks are largely between one-quarter and one-half of the corresponding changes seen in past stress episodes, although this varies across countries. In contrast to the global financial crisis, the shocks are not assumed to spread directly into financial conditions in the emerging-market economies, and credit remains available to households and firms but at a higher price than before. The illustrative shocks are assumed to apply in the latter half of 2023 and in 2024 before fading, and are treated as unanticipated shocks for firms, households and financial markets.

  • In a scenario of this kind, for given policy settings, growth in the OECD economies could be lowered by around 1¼ percentage point in 2024, with global GDP growth reduced by almost 1 percentage point (Figure 1.23). This would push many advanced economies into or close to recession given the baseline projections for 2024. Higher financing costs would hit incomes, asset prices and domestic demand, with private sector investment declining by close to 7% relative to baseline in the advanced economies in 2024, equity prices dropping by close to 10% and unemployment rising by around ½ percentage point in the major economies. Inflationary pressures would also ease, by around 0.4 percentage points in the OECD economies in 2024. The emerging-market economies would be adversely affected due to weaker demand from the advanced economies, with growth in the non-OECD area declining by around 0.7 percentage points in 2024. If tighter financial conditions were to hit confidence, or generate significant stress in particular financial market segments, the adverse effects of the shocks would be stronger.

  • Macroeconomic policies can help to cushion part of these shocks. In particular, lower policy interest rates would mitigate the shocks, with the adverse impact on global GDP growth in 2024 reduced by around one-quarter. In the typical economy, policy interest rates are lowered by around 50 basis points in 2024, relative to baseline. An additional offset could be provided by fiscal policy if the automatic fiscal stabilisers were also allowed to operate fully in all countries, with budget deficit-to-GDP ratios rising relative to plans. Even in the absence of such a fiscal adjustment, the government debt-to-GDP ratio is around 2 percentage points higher by the end of 2024 in the median advanced economy (due to the lower level of GDP).

Since November 2022, financial market conditions in emerging-market economies have been broadly stable. The appreciation of the US dollar has come to a halt, the reopening of China has boosted the growth prospects of some commodity exporters, and the spillovers from the recent banking stress in major advanced economies have been limited, with sovereign and corporate bond yields changing only marginally. However, increased financial market volatility, higher external indebtedness and large bank exposures to domestic sovereign debt are aggravating vulnerabilities in emerging-market and developing economies. Several low-income countries have faced increasingly tight financing conditions, with a rising debt service burden due to higher sovereign spreads and greater reliance on USD-denominated debt. In the medium run, climate-related risks could also dampen growth prospects and increase inflationary pressures in emerging-market and developing economies.

Emerging-market and developing economy sovereign debt issuance declined by about 7% (USD 300 billion) in 2022 (OECD, 2023d). Corporate debt issuance has also declined (World Bank, 2023) and portfolio inflows have slowed, with higher yields available in the advanced economies (Figure 1.24, Panel A).6 Foreign-currency sovereign bond spreads and corporate bond yields have risen recently in all regions since early March, although they generally remain below the peaks seen in 2022 (Figure 1.24, Panels B and C). The pressures have been strongest in highly indebted low-income countries, many of whom are now in sovereign debt distress. About one-quarter of 62 emerging-market and developing economies now have a foreign-currency sovereign bond spread of more than 10 percentage points (Figure 1.24, Panel D) and more than 40% of sovereign debt is due within the next three years in low-income emerging-market and developing economies (OECD, 2023d).7

External debt and the exposure of domestic banking sectors to domestic government bonds have increased in emerging-market economies since the global financial crisis, although the nature of risks differs across economies.

  • Among the countries with high external debt (Figure 1.25, Panel A), Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Malaysia, South Africa and Türkiye had short-term financing needs – defined as the sum of short-term debt due on a residual maturity basis and the cumulative current account deficit 12 months ahead – of more than 15 percentage points of GDP in 2022 (IMF, 2022b). The current account deficit widened by 0.8 percentage points of GDP in 2022 in the median emerging-market economy, and by more in commodity importers, with most of this deterioration driven by a worsening of the trade balance.8

  • In addition, some countries with relatively high external debt, such as Costa Rica, Colombia, Malaysia and Romania, also experienced a sharp decline in their investment income balance. FDI inflows declined by 35% in the G20 emerging-market economies in 2022 (OECD, 2023c) although they have remained large enough to cover a sizeable portion of current account deficits in several Latin American countries, including Brazil, Colombia and Mexico. In other countries, there are risks of greater reliance on short-term external financing, potentially raising exposure to rollover risk.

  • In countries where the banking system exposure to the government is large, such as Argentina and Egypt (Figure 1.25, Panel B), a loss of confidence or higher perceived sovereign risk would raise risks of an adverse feedback loop between sovereign and bank balance sheets.9 This would also hinder private sector financing and growth, given that banks have been the main source of credit in emerging-market economies (Ehlers and Víllar, 2015).

In addition to potential financial tensions, emerging-market and developing economies continue to face medium-term climate-related risks, such as droughts, which could hurt growth prospects and reignite inflationary pressures (Kabundi et al., 2022). In particular, the higher share of food in consumption baskets (OECD, 2022a), continued pressures on food security, and lower resilience to extreme climate events in emerging-market and developing economies could lead to protracted inflationary effects (Faccia et al., 2021).

In Europe, the risk of a critical shortage of energy supplies has diminished but not disappeared. Gas storage levels are near record levels for the time of year, contrary to earlier fears. Consumption has declined sharply in the face of record high prices, down by 17.7% in the EU in the eight months to March 2023, helped by warm weather during the Northern Hemisphere winter, investments in energy efficiency, and lower output from some energy-intensive industries. Liquefied natural gas (LNG) imports also remain at high levels, helped by new offshore storage capacity in some countries. There are also some residual imports by pipeline from Russia. Nonetheless, some challenges remain in securing sufficient storage levels for the 2023-24 winter. Supply from Russia in 2023 is likely to be minimal, in contrast to the early months of 2022, and a potential rebound in demand in China would increase competition for tight global LNG supply. This could push up energy prices once again, resulting in a renewed spike in consumer prices and further economic dislocation. Risks of higher prices also remain in oil markets, given continued uncertainty as to how output cuts by OPEC producers and Western sanctions on crude oil and oil products from Russia will affect global supply through the course of 2023.

While the balance of risks is skewed towards slower global growth and/or more persistent pressure on inflation, there is also a range of factors that could lead to more favourable macroeconomic outcomes.

  • The dynamics of growth, employment and inflation since 2020 have largely reflected forces associated with the pandemic, including the policy responses to it. The exceptional nature of that episode and the reopening of economies means that there is necessarily a great deal of uncertainty about how those dynamics will evolve. In particular, stronger labour force growth than projected would boost output and facilitate disinflation. After a virtual freezing of international migration during the first phase of the pandemic, migration flows to a number of advanced economies have been very large, in part reflecting a catch-up from the interruption in 2020-21. A continuation of similar net inflows would push labour force growth in these countries above what is projected. There are also a number of countries, including the United States and the United Kingdom, where there is scope for more people to enter the labour force as reductions in domestic labour supply resulting from the pandemic are unwound.

  • Another feature of pandemic-era labour markets in many economies has been the exceptionally high number of vacancies, often greatly exceeding the number of those looking for work. If labour demand can be cooled by a reduction in the excess of vacancies over jobseekers, with little if any increase in unemployment rates, then a given amount of disinflation can be achieved with more economic growth than otherwise. Relatedly, the ongoing unwinding of the shifts in the composition of demand associated with the pandemic (initially towards goods and subsequently towards services) could proceed more quickly and smoothly than expected, helping to moderate the currently persistent upward pressure on services price inflation.

  • Among emerging-market economies, one source of possible upside risks is that better financial conditions could support investment, including foreign direct investment (FDI), and private sector balance sheets. This would boost overall investment and growth prospects and help to reduce the vulnerability of countries to sudden stops or reversals of capital inflows.

In addition, there are a number of possible shocks that could be favourable for growth while worsening the inflation outlook or vice versa. For example, a faltering of China’s expected rebound this year, or stronger-than-expected effects from tighter monetary policy would likely help to bring down global inflationary pressures more quickly than projected, but would also weaken global growth. On the other side, if remaining pandemic-era excess savings are greater than estimated or if they are run down faster than projected, that would be positive for growth but would hinder the pace of disinflation.

La persistencia de las presiones inflacionistas, las modestas perspectivas de crecimiento y los importantes riesgos a la baja generan difíciles retos para los responsables políticos. Los tipos de interés elevados serán necesarios durante algún tiempo para garantizar una reducción duradera de las presiones inflacionistas. En caso de nuevas tensiones en los mercados financieros, los bancos centrales deberán hacer pleno uso de los instrumentos de política financiera disponibles para garantizar una liquidez adecuada y minimizar los riesgos de contagio. El descenso de los precios de la energía y la mejora de las prestaciones sociales por la inflación pasada implican que el apoyo de la política fiscal para mitigar el impacto del encarecimiento de los alimentos y de la energía debería dirigirse únicamente a los hogares vulnerables insuficientemente cubiertos por el sistema general de protección social. Esto reforzaría los incentivos para reducir el consumo de energía y proporcionaría apoyo a la política monetaria para hacer frente a la inflación. Con una deuda pública más elevada que antes de la pandemia en la mayoría de los países, y unos gobiernos que se enfrentan a futuras necesidades de gasto debido al envejecimiento y a la transición climática, debe prestarse mayor atención a garantizar la sostenibilidad de la deuda. Reconstruir el espacio fiscal es esencial para conservar los escasos recursos a fin de cumplir las futuras prioridades políticas y responder eficazmente a futuros choques. Es necesario redoblar los esfuerzos en todas las economías para hacer frente a los principales retos estructurales, como el envejecimiento de la población, el cambio climático y la digitalización. Dada la magnitud y ubicuidad de estos retos, serán necesarias reformas audaces y sostenidas para revitalizar el crecimiento y mejorar su calidad de forma simultánea.

Most central banks in advanced economies have continued to tighten monetary policy in recent months, even in the aftermath of the financial market turbulence in March. Policy rate increases have nonetheless tended to become smaller, and some banks have announced a pause to assess the impact of the cumulative tightening already delivered, as forward-looking real short-term interest rates have generally now become positive. Many central banks are also now reducing securities holdings, either by not (or not fully) reinvesting the proceeds of maturing bonds (passive quantitative tightening, QT) or by selling bonds (active QT). This has helped to reduce the size of central bank balance sheets in most advanced economies, although the need for enhanced liquidity provision in the wake of the banking stress in March temporarily pushed up central bank assets in some jurisdictions (Figure 1.26).

Several quarters of positive forward-looking real interest rates and below-trend growth will likely be needed to lower resource pressures durably and achieve sustained disinflation, particularly where demand pressures are an important source of inflation (OECD, 2022b). However, calibrating domestic monetary policy actions is difficult, and policies will need to remain responsive to new data, given the uncertainty about the speed at which higher interest rates take effect, the potential spillovers from restrictive policy in other countries and tightening financial conditions. The impact of monetary policy tightening has started to appear in financial and housing markets, but no clear signs of a persistent decline in core inflation have been observed yet. Simultaneous tightening by many countries makes the transmission mechanism more complex and uncertain, especially for smaller economies, with stronger effects arising from weaker global demand and smaller effects on exchange rates from domestic policy actions. This could potentially increase the period of time needed to return inflation to target. Continuous communication efforts are needed to bridge the gap between central banks’ stated intention of maintaining a restrictive policy stance for an extended period and market expectations of an early reduction in policy rates.

Policy interest rates in most countries are projected to have reached their peaks or are expected to do so in the next few months (Figure 1.27). Once inflation eases and converges towards central bank targets, policy rates may start to decrease in 2024 in some jurisdictions.

  • In the United States, the federal funds rate is projected to peak at 5¼-5½ per cent from the second quarter of 2023. Two modest rate reductions are projected in the second half of 2024, as core inflation declines towards 2%. Bond holdings have continued to decline following a pre-announced path, and this is expected to persist. In the wake of some bank failures in March, the Federal Reserve introduced a new loan facility, the Bank Term Funding Program, which values eligible collateral at par rather than marked to market. Liquidity provision under this facility has slowed the pace of balance sheet reduction.

  • En la zona del euro, donde la inflación subyacente sigue siendo elevada, se prevé que el tipo principal de refinanciación alcance su nivel máximo a partir del tercer trimestre de 2023 y se mantenga sin cambios en el 4,25% hasta finales de 2024. Con el cese total de la reinversión de los reembolsos del Programa de Adquisición de Activos previsto a partir de julio, la QT debería acelerarse, pero se espera que continúe la reinversión total de los valores vencidos del Programa de Adquisición de Emergencia Pandémica para aprovechar todos los márgenes de flexibilidad y limitar la fragmentación financiera en la zona del euro.

  • The Bank of Japan modified its conduct of yield curve control in December 2022, widening the range of the 10-year Japanese government bond yield fluctuations around the zero per cent target level from between around plus and minus 0.25 percentage points to between around plus and minus 0.5 percentage points. The Bank is projected to maintain an accommodative policy stance, with no increase in the policy rate until end-2024, reflecting still-subdued underlying price inflation. However, the yield curve is projected to gradually steepen over 2023-24 as gradual adjustments occur in the conduct of yield curve control.

  • No further policy rate increases are projected in Canada and Korea, while in Australia and the United Kingdom rates are expected to peak from the second quarter of 2023. In all four cases, moderate rate reductions are projected in the second half of 2024. Except for Korea, central bank bond holdings are assumed to decline further.

The monetary and financial authorities should continue to take actions to monitor and mitigate risks of financial instability. Clear communication will be necessary to minimise any uncertainty about apparent conflicts between the steps necessary to pursue the separate price stability and financial stability mandates. Key areas for action by supervisors and regulators include steps to ensure that smaller and medium-sized banks have adequate capital and liquidity ratios and formal plans to address any shortfalls and carrying out rigorous stress testing against credit and liquidity risks, particularly from property markets. Data gaps for non-bank financial institutions (NBFIs) also need to be closed and their regulation and supervision strengthened. If further market strains make additional liquidity support necessary, either to banks or non-banks, support should be priced at a relatively high level, have clear criteria, be time limited, and seek to minimise moral hazard. Solvency issues should not be addressed through central bank liquidity provision but be tackled within national resolution regimes that limit the need to resort to public funding (IMF, 2023).

Clear communication about the sizeable financial losses now being reported by many central banks would help to preserve central bank credibility and ensure the effectiveness of monetary policy. These losses arise from the rapid expansion of central bank balance sheets since the global financial crisis, declining prices of the assets held, especially long-term securities purchased under quantitative easing, and the impact of rapid policy rate increases on payments on commercial bank reserves held at the central bank (Box 1.3). The scale of reported losses could intensify further in the coming years. This is having an impact on the public finances by reducing or ending remittances from the central bank to the government. Reported central bank losses should not be taken as evidence of policy failure, as they follow from the pursuit of price stability, and need not entail weakened central bank independence, as central banks can operate effectively even with negative equity.

Many governments are continuing to provide sizeable support to energy consumers at present. The estimated budget cost of the measures in force this year is about 0.8% of GDP in the median OECD economy, broadly unchanged from 2022, and 2% of GDP or more in several European countries, including Germany and Poland (OECD, 2023a). The eventual fiscal costs will heavily depend on the evolution of energy market prices and energy consumption, and could therefore be lower than originally budgeted because extensive use has been made of measures such as price caps or lower VAT rates on some or all of the energy consumed. A gradual phasing out of energy support is expected over 2023-24 and will likely result in a substantial reduction in fiscal costs in 2024, though considerable uncertainty still surrounds policy plans in many countries (Figure 1.30). At the same time, declining inflation in 2023-24 is likely to weigh on fiscal balances, as the higher-than-expected tax revenues stemming from inflationary surprises in 2022 give way to higher expenditure associated with public wage increases and the indexation of numerous social benefits (and also minimum wages) to past inflation.

Fiscal projections for 2023-24 are conditional on announced government measures and OECD assessments of current plans (Annex 1.A.). Modest fiscal consolidation is expected in many countries, with the underlying primary balance in the median OECD economy improving by 0.2% of potential GDP in 2023 and 0.5% of potential GDP in 2024 (Figure 1.31).

  • In the United States, the fiscal stance is projected to be moderately contractionary in 2023-24, largely reflecting the full expiry of pandemic-related spending and the phasing-out of energy-related fiscal support at the state level. The increase in public investment under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act will be modest, given the 10-year horizon of the plan.

  • En la zona del euro, también se espera una moderada consolidación fiscal, que refleje principalmente los ahorros en 2023 derivados de la retirada total de las ayudas para la pandemia y la eliminación gradual de las ayudas relacionadas con la energía en 2024. En algunos países, el estímulo derivado de una aplicación más rápida prevista de los planes de la UE de próxima generación y el aumento del gasto en defensa, asistencia sanitaria o prestaciones sociales indexadas a la inflación moderarán la mejora de los saldos primarios subyacentes.
  • In Japan, the fiscal stance is projected to be largely neutral in 2023, as the phasing out of pandemic-related measures broadly cancels out expanded support to vulnerable households against higher energy and food prices and increased defence spending. Measures for moderating energy and food prices are then projected to gradually decline, leading to a more restrictive fiscal stance in 2024, with a sizeable improvement in the underlying primary balance.

  • Among other large advanced economies, the United Kingdom has a restrictive fiscal stance, with a cumulative increase in the underlying primary balance of almost 2% of potential GDP over 2023-24. More limited tightening is projected in Australia, Canada and Korea. Among smaller economies, Hungary plans a cumulative consolidation effort of 5% over 2023-24, reflecting efforts to reduce inflationary pressures and rebuild fiscal buffers. In contrast, the Slovak Republic envisages a large discretionary expansion in 2023, only partly reversed in 2024, linked in part to the introduction of temporary measures to mitigate the effects of the energy crisis.

With energy and food commodity prices below their 2022 peaks but generally still above the levels seen only a few years ago, there is a strong case for withdrawing broad policy support but continuing to provide some targeted support for vulnerable households inadequately covered by the general social protection system. In many countries, recent and ongoing increases in minimum wages and welfare benefits, either through discretionary compensation for past inflation or automatic indexation to it, are now an effective mechanism to provide necessary support, with the advantage of not lowering marginal energy prices or weakening incentives to reduce energy use. Preserving untargeted measures to reduce energy prices blurs these incentives, places unwarranted pressure on the public finances, duplicates support to many lower-income households and boosts aggregate demand at a time of high inflation. This adds to the challenges faced by monetary policy in bringing inflation back to target, and raises the risk that high underlying inflation will persist.

Sin embargo, prestar apoyo únicamente a los beneficiarios de prestaciones sociales existentes puede ser insuficiente, ya que la vulnerabilidad a los elevados precios de la energía no depende únicamente de los ingresos. Otras fuentes de vulnerabilidad son la imposibilidad de renovar las viviendas ineficientes desde el punto de vista energético y las elevadas necesidades energéticas debidas a la edad, la enfermedad o factores geográficos. Esto apunta a la necesidad de mantener o desarrollar medidas específicas mejoradas que vayan más allá de las prestaciones sociales estándar, combinando indicadores de diferentes bases de datos y haciendo también un uso más amplio de las herramientas digitales para la recopilación de datos (como los contadores inteligentes) y una entrega de pagos más rápida (OCDE, 2023a). En los países con sistemas de bienestar más débiles, puede ser necesario un apoyo político más amplio a los usuarios de energía durante más tiempo, pero incluso en estos casos debería ser más específico, incentivar la eficiencia energética y facilitar el ajuste a unos costes energéticos más elevados. Estas últimas consideraciones también deberían regir cualquier apoyo restante a las empresas.

Reducing vulnerability to future energy crises and the need to accelerate the transition towards carbon neutrality also requires a substantial increase in government investment in many countries, including in the energy efficiency of public buildings, charging infrastructure for electric vehicles, energy grids and interconnections, and public R&D. Encouragingly, public investment as a share of GDP is often projected to increase in 2023-24, rising above pre-pandemic levels, especially in countries where it has been low (Figure 1.32). Still, the contribution of public investment to GDP growth is expected to be modest, at only an average 0.1 percentage points of GDP per year in 2023-24 in the median OECD advanced economy. In Europe, the rise in public investment largely reflects an expected acceleration in the implementation of Next Generation EU investment plans (European Commission, 2022), after delays that have previously held back spending. Those delays, which have long characterised cohesion policy (OECD, 2018), have been exacerbated by high inflation, which has made budgeted amounts for specific projects insufficient or unattractive for tendering.

Ensuring the sustainability of the public finances over the longer term has become more pressing and should become a more prominent policy objective. In the median OECD advanced economy, gross public debt as a per cent of GDP is projected to stay broadly unchanged over 2023-24, and remain 7 percentage points higher in 2024 than in 2019. Despite some consolidation in the next two years, primary budget balances in 2024 are often projected to remain well below pre-pandemic levels (by 1.3% of GDP in the median OECD advanced economy; Figure 1.33) and will be subject in the coming decades to large pressures from factors such as ageing and the climate transition. Government spending on pensions, health and long-term care in the median OECD advanced economy is estimated to rise by around 5% of GDP by 2060 in the absence of policy reforms (Guillemette and Château, 2023). Debt service costs are also rising, with a significant jump in interest payments projected by 2024 (0.5% of GDP higher than in 2022 in the median OECD advanced economy) and subsequent further rises all but certain as low-yielding debt matures. In 2024, the cost of new sovereign borrowing is projected to exceed the average cost of the existing stock of public debt in most countries, often by a large margin. Credible fiscal frameworks with strong national ownership would help to provide clear guidance to citizens and markets about the medium-term trajectory of the public finances needed to ensure a gradual reduction of debt-to-GDP ratios.

Monetary policy has become restrictive in many emerging-market economies, reflecting persisting inflation pressures and policy tightening in advanced economies. Real policy interest rates are now positive in most economies, particularly ones in which policy rates were raised relatively early, and this has begun to slow investment growth (Figure 1.34) and real GDP growth.

Policy space remains limited by the need to keep inflation expectations anchored and tight global financial conditions. Policy interest rates are generally projected to remain above both headline and core inflation in the remainder of this year (Figure 1.35, Panel A), with headline inflation falling sharply thanks to the easing in food and energy prices, but underlying inflation proving more persistent. In 2024, both headline and underlying inflation are often projected to return to central bank target ranges, providing some scope for policy rate cuts if inflation expectations remain anchored. However, policy rates may need to remain high for longer in economies where large minimum wage increases to cushion the impact of the cost-of-living crisis are adding to underlying inflationary pressures.

Given the recent increase in global risk aversion, and the risks of a renewed appreciation of the US dollar, monetary easing may require careful consideration in countries with sizeable foreign currency denominated debts. In the event of renewed exchange rate pressures, countries should let their currencies adjust as much as possible to reflect underlying economic fundamentals. However, temporary use of foreign exchange interventions, or restrictions on capital flows, could be considered if there are severe risks to domestic financial stability.

In Latin America, policy rate reductions are not expected in Chile, Colombia and Mexico before 2024 due to persistent underlying inflation dynamics and minimum wage increases (Figure 1.35, Panel B). In contrast, policy rates in Brazil are projected to start declining in 2023, with tighter credit conditions expected to steadily reduce core inflation. Continuing food price pressures in India, the need to firmly anchor inflation expectations in Indonesia and the broad-based inflationary impact of the projected slow pace of fiscal tightening in South Africa may prevent policy rates in these countries from declining until well into 2024.

Public debt remains well above pre-pandemic levels in most emerging-market economies. However, fiscal deficits declined in 2022 in many countries, helped by elevated inflation and higher commodity-related fiscal revenues in commodity-exporting countries (Figure 1.36, Panel A). The evolution of government fiscal balances over 2023-24 is expected to vary across the major emerging-market economies (Figure 1.36, Panels B and C). Some commodity exporters have used windfall revenues to finance energy-related fiscal support, and there are risks of higher deficits once commodity prices subside. For instance, the exclusion of social spending from the expenditure ceiling in Brazil and meagre growth in South Africa are projected to lead to an increase in the budget deficit in 2023. In such cases, establishing or reinstating credible fiscal rules and decoupling public finances from the commodity-cycle are needed to ensure better macroeconomic stabilisation and a further decline in public debt towards pre-pandemic levels. In India, the fiscal position is projected to improve, helped by greater tax compliance, fewer subsidies and ongoing privatisation of state-owned enterprises. This should be coupled with steps to strengthen revenue mobilisation, further improve public financial management and enhance expenditure efficiency. In Indonesia, fiscal rules are projected to be reinstated, ensuring a significant improvement in fiscal balances.

Many economies face a dual imperative of reinvigorating underlying trend growth and improving the quality of that growth. The unwinding of the pandemic and energy-price shocks presents an opportunity to refocus attention on these critical longer-term challenges, thus laying the basis for stronger, more inclusive and more sustainable growth. The slow growth being experienced in many countries this year continues a longer period of worsening dynamism. Trend growth since the global financial crisis has been much weaker than previously (Figure 1.37, Panel A), both in advanced and emerging-market economies. The main factor in that deterioration has generally been lower rates of underlying labour productivity growth, augmented by slower growth of the working-age population as population ageing has progressed. The slowdown in labour productivity growth in turn reflects both smaller increases in capital per worker and slower growth of total factor productivity (productive efficiency). Productive capital investment in OECD economies has been much weaker since 2010 than it had been in past decades (Figure 1.37, Panel B), and total factor productivity has also grown more slowly in recent years. This prolonged slowdown highlights the need for supply-boosting structural reforms, especially given that recent experience suggests that interacting adverse supply shocks, such as the pandemic, the war in Ukraine, geoeconomic fragmentation and more frequent extreme weather events, are becoming more common.

There are many things that policymakers can do to lift investment rates from their currently low levels, with priorities depending on country-specific circumstances (OECD 2023b). A key cross-cutting element is the need to enhance competition to ensure that firms have incentives to undertake investment and improve efficiency. A large body of evidence points to weaker competition in recent years: industry concentration and mark-ups have been rising (De Loecker et al., 2020; Box 2); firm entry and exit rates have been falling (Calvino et al., 2020); and the gap between the best firms (the productivity “frontier”) and others has been growing (Andrews et al., 2016).

In most OECD economies, policy priorities to enhance competitive pressures and investment incentives include reforms to sector-specific and economy-wide regulations, including the streamlining of licensing and permits. Other priorities include tax reforms, to shift from direct to indirect taxation and broaden the tax base, and greater efforts to upgrade physical infrastructure. Insolvency regimes that do not excessively penalise debtors can also have beneficial effects, by facilitating the exit of less productive firms and freeing-up resources for more productive ones. For emerging-market economies, it is often most important to boost business dynamism and knowledge diffusion via measures that reduce the cost of entry, including by lowering barriers to trade and investment, expanding regulatory impact assessments, and strengthening the rule of law.

Making the most of new investments and technologies requires complementary investments in technical and managerial skills. Public policies have a crucial role to play in raising the quality and quantity of human capital by promoting training and by facilitating productive matches of workers to jobs. Labour market regulations should avoid putting a burden on workers who wish to move jobs. Limiting unnecessary differences in the licensing requirements of certain occupations would also ease barriers for workers with relevant skills in finding suitable jobs.

The current prolonged period of labour market tightness in some OECD economies, especially for certain sectors (manufacturing and lower-pay sectors), suggests that measures to boost labour market participation are needed to enhance growth and make it more inclusive. Weak aggregate employment rates are often driven by low employment of specific groups, such as younger workers, older workers, women, minorities and the low-skilled.

As discussed in Chapter 2, investments in gender equality are an important means of boosting labour force participation, employment, and output. These require actions across a wide range of policy areas. There have been considerable improvements in women’s labour market participation, but gender employment and wage gaps are declining at a slow pace across OECD countries, warranting further policy measures (Figure 1.38, Panel A and B). Improving access to childcare is a priority in many OECD countries. A major obstacle to mothers’ employment, especially full-time work, is the lack of affordable high-quality childcare, with the financial disincentive when entering employment sometimes prohibitive when childcare costs are accounted for (Figure 1.38, Panel C). Other key policies to strengthen women’s employment and career opportunities include incentivising parents to better share parental leave, schemes to improve skills on return from parental leave, encouraging gender equality within firms, integration programmes for foreign-born women, promotion of entrepreneurship and financial inclusion for women, and levelling taxation for second earners.

Ambitious targets have been set in the wake of the 2015 Paris Agreement, with many countries committing to net-zero emission targets by 2050 to limit global temperature rise to “well below 2°C and as close as possible to 1.5°C relative to pre-industrial levels”. At the global level, however, the policies in place are likely to be insufficient to put greenhouse gas emissions on a downward path before 2030 (IEA, 2022), compromising the goal of achieving net-zero emissions by mid-century.

Attaining that goal requires structural changes in the economy and substantial reallocation of workers and capital from emission-intensive activities towards greener activities. The transition will also require a large increase in green investment (reinforcing the need to boost investment to reinvigorate trend growth), greater use of carbon pricing,10 and strengthening regulations, institutions and standards to enable emission reductions. Well-targeted regulations can improve energy efficiency, particularly for housing and offices, and encourage the development and adoption of greener technologies. It is also critical that policies are clearly communicated, and sufficiently stable. The necessary increase in long-term clean energy investment will not happen if firms are faced with high uncertainty about future policies (Berestycki et al., 2022).11

Another key challenge for the transition is to manage the associated distributional impacts. Major transition costs will emerge or rise in specific sectors that are most vulnerable to the climate transition, such as mining and fossil fuel and energy-intensive industries. This will also have repercussions for firms that are heavily reliant on these industries. Workers lacking the skills needed in the growing green activities will be at the greatest risk of job losses. Cushioning vulnerable social groups from the adverse effects of transition would help to improve public acceptability of climate change mitigation policies. A key step is to include an element of revenue recycling in any reform package (Dechezleprêtre et al., 2022), such as using revenues from new taxes to reduce existing taxes or make transfer payments to vulnerable households.

Improving the coordination of countries’ carbon mitigation efforts is one reason why enhanced international cooperation is needed, together with other pressing global aims such as overcoming food and energy insecurity and ensuring that low-income countries’ debt burdens are sustainable. In this context, the new OECD forum, the Inclusive Forum on Carbon Mitigation Approaches (IFCMA), is intended to help its members achieve the common global net zero objective. The first actions of the IFCMA, which aims to improve international collaboration through data sharing, mutual learning and dialogue, are to take stock of the policy instruments in use across members of the Forum and measure their emission-reducing effects. The IFCMA will complement other international efforts on climate policy data, including in the context of the Enhanced Transparency Framework of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

Open and well-functioning international markets with resilient and efficient supply chains are an important source of long-term prosperity and productivity growth for both advanced and emerging-market economies. The pandemic and the initial stages of the recovery as economies reopened highlighted the benefits of international trade, but also the vulnerabilities from increasingly complex supply chains with distant suppliers and the challenges faced by attempts to improve economic security. Rising geopolitical tensions and the war in Ukraine have further exposed growing tensions over trade and the security of supply, and intensified the risk of value chain fragmentation.

The integration into world markets of large and fast-growing emerging-market economies, particularly in Asia, has expanded global supply, enhanced economic efficiency and helped to keep inflation low in advanced economies. These gains could be foregone if fragmentation were to occur and economic policies became more inward looking, with lower-income households hit hardest (Arriola et al., 2020; Aiyar et al, 2023). The cumulative total of global import restrictions in force has already grown steadily since the global financial crisis, both in value terms and as a percentage of world imports. By 2022, over 9% of world merchandise imports were being affected by these import restrictions, up from around 4% in 2017. So far, this appears to have primarily affected trade patterns in the major economies rather than the overall intensity of trade, though there have been marked changes in bilateral trade at the sector level in both the United States and Europe (Box 1.4). However, trade policy uncertainty has also increased recently and, if sustained, would inhibit the growth of trade (Handley and Limao, 2022; Caldara et al, 2020; Novy and Taylor, 2020). A further move away from multilateral-based rules could also add to uncertainty about future trade policy. The increased emphasis on regional or bilateral trade agreements could potentially exclude smaller and medium-sized economies, limiting the gains from trade.

A key policy challenge is to enhance the resilience of global value chains without eroding their benefits for efficiency. Most actions to improve resilience lie with private firms, who have strong incentives to reduce risks of costly disruptions to production. Governments can nonetheless help to create a favourable trading environment and minimise bottlenecks along supply chains by removing trade and investment barriers, enhancing trade facilitation, modernising digital and physical infrastructures, and reducing heterogeneity in technical standards. Such steps can help to cushion shocks and facilitate easier substitution between suppliers (Arriola et al., 2020).


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Fiscal policy settings for 2023-24 are based as closely as possible on legislated tax and spending provisions and are consistent with the growth, inflation and wage projections. Where government plans have been announced but not legislated, they are incorporated if it is deemed clear that they will be implemented in a shape close to that announced. Existing energy-related support measures have been assumed to be extended into part or the whole of 2023-24 when that extension is deemed likely, even if it has not yet been announced. When a given energy-related measure spans more than one year, its total fiscal costs are assumed to be uniformly spread across months.

Projections for the EU countries account for spending financed by the Next Generation EU (NGEU) grants and loans, based on expert judgments about the distribution across years and different expenditure categories and informed by officially announced plans where available. NGEU grants are assumed to be budget neutral, i.e. they increase both capital tax and transfers receipts and government expenditure. In addition, positive net one-offs are added in order to reflect the discretionary stimulus associated with those grants, as measured by changes in underlying primary balances.

For monetary policy, the assumed path of policy interest rates and unconventional measures represents the most likely outcome, conditional upon the OECD projections of activity and inflation. This may differ from the stated path of the monetary authorities. In the euro area, 10-year sovereign spreads relative to Germany are assumed to remain constant over the projection period at levels close to those observed in March and April 2023.

The projections assume unchanged exchange rates from those prevailing on 12 May 2023: one US dollar equals JPY 128.8, EUR 0.96 (or equivalently one euro equals USD 1.04) and 6.79 renminbi.

The price of a barrel of Brent crude oil is assumed to remain constant at USD 75 until the end of 2024. The TTF natural gas price is assumed to remain constant at EUR 45 MW/h until the end of 2024. Other commodity prices are assumed to be constant over the projection period at their average levels from April 2023.

The cut-off date for information used in the projections is 1 June 2023.

OECD quarterly projections are on a seasonal and working-day-adjusted basis for selected key variables. This implies that differences between adjusted and unadjusted annual data may occur, though these in general are quite small. In some countries, official forecasts of annual figures do not include working-day adjustments. Even when official forecasts do adjust for working days, the size of the adjustment may in some cases differ from that used by the OECD.


← 1. Rail, another option to support the diversification of transport channels and consequently markets, could take more time given costs and coordination problems in overcoming differences in rolling stock requirements.

← 2. In the United States, market rents have fallen in four of the last seven months, and the year-on-year increase in market rents has slowed for the past 14 months, but the year-on-year change in the rents component of the CPI and the PCE deflator continued to rise until April 2023.

← 3. On a per capita basis, household disposable incomes rose in the OECD in both the third and fourth quarter of 2022, though incomes remained much weaker than a year earlier (OECD, 2023e).

← 4. The figures for annual OECD headline consumer price inflation differ slightly to the OECD inflation figures in Table 1, which are for the annual inflation rate based on the personal consumption deflator from the national accounts. The latter has a similar definition across countries and may include a broader range of goods and services than the national headline consumer price index.

← 5. Estimates suggest that a 100 basis points upward shift of the whole yield curve could lead to valuation losses of around 4% in the net asset value for bond funds operating in Europe, with more than one-third of funds facing losses higher than 5% of total assets and around 20% of funds facing losses above 7% (ESRB, 2022).

← 6. In larger economies with better-than-expected fiscal outcomes, the slowdown in the pace of sovereign debt issuance partly reflects the intention to reduce the debt legacy of the pandemic. In contrast, in low-income countries, the decline in debt issuance is more related to the tightening of financing conditions in international capital markets.

← 7. Since November 2022, credit rating agencies have downgraded the sovereign debt ratings of Argentina, Bangladesh, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Tunisia and Ukraine. Over the same period, the IMF has approved: an Extended Fund Facility for Bangladesh, Côte d’Ivoire, Egypt, Sri Lanka and Ukraine; an Extended Credit Facility for Bangladesh, Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana; a Resilience and Sustainability Facility for Bangladesh; and a Flexible Credit Line for Morocco.

← 8. Countries considered are Argentina, Bulgaria, Brazil, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Malaysia, Peru, the Philippines, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, Türkiye, Viet Nam and South Africa.

← 9. For the median emerging-market economy shown in Panel B of Figure 1.25, the domestic banking system exposure to the domestic government in 2022Q2 was about 8 percentage points higher than for the median of 25 OECD advanced economies.

← 10. Strong price signals on greenhouse emissions and a credible future price path are needed to underpin progress towards carbon neutrality but are still lacking in most countries. Currently, 80% of emissions in the OECD and G20 countries are priced below EUR 60/tCO2.

← 11. Enhanced investment in clean energy will be needed to meet emission reduction targets: the IEA estimates that investment in clean energy technologies needs to more than double to USD 5 trillion by 2030 (IEA, 2021). While energy investment has been rising recently, this in part reflects higher costs rather than stronger investment volumes.
La OCDE recomienda aumentar los impuestos indirectos y bajar los directos, para potenciar el crecimiento del PIB


La inflación podría ser más persistente de lo previsto, con tipos de interés más altos durante más tiempo

Durante los últimos dieciocho meses aproximadamente, la inflación subyacente ha resultado ser sistemáticamente superior a lo previsto. Las grandes perturbaciones que han afectado a la economía mundial y la variedad de factores que han contribuido al aumento de la inflación, tanto por el lado de la demanda como por el de la oferta, han dificultado la evaluación de la velocidad a la que pueden remitir las presiones inflacionistas. Por otra parte, tras un largo periodo de bajos tipos de interés, existe una gran incertidumbre sobre el impacto del endurecimiento monetario que ya se ha producido. Si la subida de los tipos de interés tiene efectos menores de lo previsto y/o se retrasa, o las presiones sobre los costes se moderan menos rápidamente de lo esperado, o las empresas intentan elevar los márgenes precio-coste, la inflación será mayor de lo previsto. En tales circunstancias, la política monetaria tendrá que endurecerse aún más y quizás mantenerse restrictiva durante más tiempo, con implicaciones negativas para el crecimiento y el empleo y mayores riesgos para la estabilidad financiera.

El prolongado periodo de inflación elevada ya ha dado lugar a un aumento de la proporción de artículos de la cesta de la compra que han registrado subidas anuales de precios superiores al 5% durante al menos 12 meses. Esta proporción ha pasado de casi cero a principios de 2021 a alrededor de una cuarta parte por término medio en abril de 2023, y a un tercio o más en Alemania y el Reino Unido (gráfico 1.19). Es probable que los retrasos en la reducción de la inflación aumenten aún más estos porcentajes, intensificando los retos de la reducción de la inflación, aumentando los riesgos de que las expectativas de inflación del mercado y del sector privado se establezcan en niveles muy por encima de los objetivos de inflación, y posiblemente también provocando una tendencia hacia una mayor indexación de los contratos y los activos financieros. En estos casos, la inflación sería probablemente más persistente de lo previsto.


Va bien en "casi todo" el corto plazo....con temas arrastrados que nunca se solucionan, porque nunca vemos reformas estructurales donde es necesario.  


"España va bien económicamente en lo coyuntural pero no en lo estructural. Es lo de siempre.." M.Guindal


El PIB de la eurozona entra en recesión en el primer trimestre. 


-Nuevos datos de coyuntura moderaron las estimaciones de crecimiento para el IITr. 

-Ahora mismo todo apunta a un 0,5-0,6 frente al 0,7-1,0 de hace una semana.




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