Coronavirus (Covid-19) BIS

Coronavirus (Covid-19)

The central bank community combats the effects of the pandemic

The coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic is a major disruptive event for the global economy. It is revealing financial vulnerabilities and testing the post-financial crisis economic system. Central banks and international financial institutions are seeking to mitigate the immediate impact on the real economy through extraordinary fiscal, monetary and macroprudential measures.
It is of utmost importance that policymakers stay informed and coordinate their response. This page gathers relevant work produced by the BIS, its hosted committees and its stakeholders on the implications of the pandemic for the financial sector and the wider economy.
To complement the resources featured here, the Irving Fisher Committee on Central Bank Statistics curates a page of Covid-19 statistical resources.

Covid-19 statistical resources

This page collects the various statistical initiatives developed in response to the global Covid-19 outbreak and shares experiences, especially about the production, dissemination and use of official statistics. It includes various links to Covid-19 related statistical initiatives of interest to IFC members as well as information derived from IFC networks.

Covid-19 related webpages and documentation

nternational Institutions 

BIS Coronavirus (Covid-19) page
IAOS (International Association
of Official Statistics)
Official Statistics in the context of the Covid-19 crises
ILO - Statistics COVID-19 and the world of work
COVID-19 impact on the collection of labour market statistics
IMF Special Series on COVID-19 - Statistical Issues
ISI  COVID-19 Resources
OECD Tackling coronavirus (COVID-19)
OECD - PARIS21 Secretariat How PARIS21 is Supporting National Statistical Systems amid COVID-19
OECD Secretariat with participation of several IOs Protected digital workspace for official statisticians
United Nations (UNSD) Statistics · COVID-19 response
Statistics · UN COVID-19 Data Hub
UN - UNECE(Europe) Compilation of CPI in times of COVID-19
(Latin America & the Caribbean)
Measures taken by National Statistical Offices to address the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic
(Asia and the Pacific)
Surveys under Lockdown; a pandemic lesson
World Bank Understanding the COVID-19 pandemic through data

Central banks and NSOs 

European Central Bank (ECB)
ECB (SSM) / Banking Supervision
ECB communication to reporting agents on the collection of statistical information in the context of COVID-19
Supervisory reporting measures in the context of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic
IFRS 9 in the context of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic
Eurostat / European Commission Covid-19 and European statistics
COVID-19: support for statisticians > Guidelines and methodological notes
France (INSEE) How INSEE intends to carry out its missions in the coming weeks
UK Government Statistical Service - ONS Top tips for quality assuring urgent pieces of ad-hoc statistical analysis


27 Apr 2020
Public information and advocacy materials

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