UK Growth: A new Chapter ( London School on Economics)

UK Growth: A new Chapter ( London School on Economics)
A blueprint for growth in 2017 and beyond .

The UK Economy is at a critical juncture. Leaving the EU creates economic challenges that necessitate widespread policy change. But this also generates an opportunity to tackle some of the long-standing challenges which have resulted in the UK’s productivity lagging behind our major competitors. Decisions made in the next year will have a lasting impact on the UK’s economic trajectory for years to come. If the government gets these decisions right, the economy will be more productive, more equitable and more environmentally sustainable.

The LSE Growth Commission belongs to a longstanding tradition of engagement between research, business and policy-making which has been the hallmark of the LSE since its foundation. The report draws on evidence and analytical arguments to make a range of concrete policy recommendations affecting labour markets, industrial strategy, trade, immigration and finance. Together they form a blueprint for growth which should command support across the political spectrum


1. A New Chapter in the Story of UK Growth  ..........................................................  9
2. Labour Markets and Inclusive Growth  ................................................................. 19
3. Industrial Strategy ................................................................  ................................ 33
4. Openness  ............................................................................................................... 51
5. Finance and Growth  .............................................................................................. 69

References  ............................................................................................................. ... 82

LSE Growth Commission The London School of Economics and Political Science Houghton Street London WC2A 2AE Tel: +44 (0)20 7955 7673
Copyright © 2017 Centre for Economic Performance at the London School of Economics and Political Science ISBN number: 978-1-5272-0690-8

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